Attadale Farm

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When You Need To Take The Time, There Is None.

March of this year was a good month for me. I had needed a hip replacement for a while and finally got one. Recovery was quicker than expected. After about two months I was at 3/4 speed. That is good enough to get back at it and give my wife her well deserved break from having to do everything. When someone steps in to take over your job, it requires a lot of attention to what is going on. A new person, good as they may be, has not had the fortune of time to learn how to do their task better, faster and smarter. What may take me 2 hours to do will likely require someone new twice the time and twice the steps.

My wife Sandy needed to be able to take the time to learn all that was going on and to catch up with the intricate details of the current operation. Since she was already involved in her full day’s work, she didn’t have the time to take the time to go through an abbreviated apprentiship program. Losing time at one job to gain some on another will not pen out most of the time. So, you put your head down on day one and get going.

Years ago farmers would help their neighbor harvest, castrate, feed, fix, mend, and whatever else is necessary. When the helper needed help, the favor was gladly returned. Today’s agriculture consists of tight margins, low profits, long hours and fewer and fewer fellow farmers. The low relative income combined with the allure of the info world has drained the stock of farmers and those who wish to be. Farming is hard work. That has been eliminated from the contemporary labor goals.

What we have left farming are old people, married to old people who have worked hard their entire life and don’t recoil from it even in their golden years. Though we love them, children and grandchildren have become farm resistant. To them, the earth is something that can get you dirty and wear you out. These are emotions they have been taught by their state schools who feel the same way. Education has fallen for the mistaken allure of easy money and reduced initiative. Their foolishness is now being played out throughout the world as they survive on less and less while accumulating more and more debt doing so.

Governments have driven their weallth and assets into the ground as they borrow and print more and more money to give away to more and more potential voters. The ignorance of their immature audience makes it possible to protract their foolish mistakes.

We will soon come to a point where there will not be sufficient food to eat, let alone food of any true quality. Desperation will develop into frustration which will end in lawlessness. Indolent and skilless, the American citizen may soon become willing to work for food and a quality life. Having never experienced it, I am doubtful they have what it takes to survive long enough to figure it out. Others from elsewhere will come in with a plan for them. I hope I’m gone by then.